Saturday, September 17, 2016

Photo Recap from Take a Hike at Murkwood

Thanks for joining the SCT on the Murkwood Take a Hike.

Something new at the Toolas Preserve

Fencing has been installed to prevent vehicles from driving down the wide pedestrian path and parking area at the far end of the wildflower meadow.  The photos depict before and after fence installation.

Former Trustee, Bob Sprague

Robert (Bob Sprague), a former Sandwich Conservation Trust trustee, has passed. Bob donated time to the SCT for 11 years. If you don't know Bob, you may know of the Elinor's Woods property on Ploughed Neck Rd. in E. Sandwich. In 1999, Bob gifted the 5 acre parcel to the SCT in memory of his wife Elinor. Thank you Bob, for your time and work with the trust and for donating this lovely property in memory of Elinor.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Take a Hike - Murkwood

The Sandwich Conservation Trust will begin a series of fall guided walks by visiting the town-owned Murkwood Conservation Area this coming Sunday, Sept. 11th, at 2 PM.  This East Sandwich preserve lies north of Route 6A, just west of Canning’s Service Station.  The Murkwood Conservation Area totals 129.39 acres – 22 parcels of upland and (mostly) salt marsh acquired by the town between 1974 and 1999.  The first 65 acres were purchased from Dorothy Nye Holway, and was part of one of the early East Sandwich farms.  The original Holway house, taken down in 1939, was located across from Titcomb’s Bookshop.

            Our upcoming walk will take place on the main upland, which is a peninsula of low land reaching out into Scorton Marsh.  Now heavily wooded, this area was once farmed by the Holways, and even contains the remains of a small cranberry bog.  This is the time of year when the salt hay was being cut, raked, and stacked on the staddles (12’ diameter group of posts) that once dotted all the marshes.  We will talk about this aspect of the land’s history as we take in a wide view of the quiet marsh.

            The walk will be about an hour long, and is easy except for some roots to step over.  If it rains the walk will be cancelled. For questions about the walk or the Sandwich Conservation Trust call me at (508) 888-7629.

The Sandwich Conservation Trust is a non-profit organization founded in 1985 to preserve undeveloped land in Sandwich. Through ownership and conservation restrictions the SCT currently holds 221 acres in preservation. For questions about membership, support, volunteering or other issues please call (508) 888-7629.  Find us on Facebook.

Carelton Preserve

A Gift to the SCT:
Carleton Preserve

On June 16, 2016, a 6.59 acre property at the end of Great Marsh Rd, E. Sandwich was gifted to the Sandwich Conservation Trust by Joy Carleton.  Thank you Joy for providing more land to preserve as open space.

Sandwich Property Map
Highlighting Gifted Property at end of
Great Marsh Rd., E. Sandwich

SCT President John Cullity and Joy Carleton
at the Carleton Preserve

Save the Date


WHAT:       Sandwich Conservation Trust’s Annual Meeting
WHEN:      Sunday, October 16th, 2016
WHERE:    E. Sandwich Grange Hall

Brad Chase of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries will give a talk titled, 
“The Diadromous Fish Runs of American Eel and River Herring on Cape Cod.”

Stay tuned for more details …

American eel
Photo credit:  MADMF

River herring
Photo credit: